Lecture Computational partial differential equations (WS 2022/2023) (Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mira Schedensack
Universität Leipzig
Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik
Mathematisches Institut


The lecture is suitable for students in mathematics (Diplom Mathematik and Diplom Wirtschaftsmathematik) and in mathematical physics with the standard knowledge from the introductory lectures and from functional analysis. It is possible to attend the lecture functional analysis in parallel.


Partial differential equations play a fundamental role in many applications. In most cases it is, however, not possible to solve them exactly. This lecture discusses numerical methods that approximate their solutions. The focus of the lecture will lie on the theoretical understanding of finite element methods, but also practical and implementational aspects are part of the lecture as well as finite difference methods.

Time of lectures

The lecture will take place on wednesday and friday at 09:15 in SG 3-13.

The tutorial classes will be on friday 13:15 in SG 3-12.


Die Vorlesung wird ab dem 26. Oktober immer Mittwochs und Freitags um 9:15 Uhr stattfinden.

The lecture will take place on monday, October 17 at 9:15.

There will be no tutorial class in the first week.

The tutorial class in the second week will be interchanged with a lecture: There will be a lecture on friday, October 21, in the time for the tutorial class and there will be a tutorial class on wednesday, October 26, at the time of the lecture.


Exercise sheets
Exercise sheet 1
Exercise sheet 2
Exercise sheet 3
Exercise sheet 4
Exercise sheet 5
Exercise sheet 6
Exercise sheet 7
Exercise sheet 8
Exercise sheet 9
Exercise sheet 10
Exercise sheet 11
Exercise sheet 12
Exercise sheet 13
Code for introduction

Code for heat equation

Code for transport and wave equation

Code for mesh refinement

Code for FEM program

Code for RT FEM

Code for Mini FEM

Code for a posteriori analysis

Skript (aktuelle Version)