Courses in Summer 2024

Seminar Schulmathematik (Algebra)


REU: 2022
Lecture Notes Intersection Theory (Algerbaic Geometry II): PDF

Courses in Past semesters

Universität Leipzig (2020 - )

Summer 2024: Linear Algebra II, Combinatorics
Winter 2023/24: Linear Algebra I, Real Algebra, Seminar Schulmathematik (Elementarmathematik vom höheren Standpunkt)
Summer 2023: Algebraic Geometry II (Intersection Theory, see PDF)
Winter 2022/23: Algebraic Geometry, Seminar Computer Algebra Summer 2022: Algebra II (Commutative Algebra), Homological Algebra, REU
Winter 2021/22: Algebra I, Seminar Algebra and Geometry, Seminar Schulmathematik (Proofs from the book)
Summer 2021: Linear Algebra II, Real Algebra and Geometry
Winter 2020/21: Linear Algebra I, Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves

Freie Universität Berlin (2017 - 2020)

Summer 2020: Linear Algebra II
Winter 2019/20: Linear Algebra I
Summer 2019: Seminar Real Algebraic Geometry and Optimization, Proseminar Panorama der Mathematik (Storytelling in Mathematics)
Winter 2018/19: Discrete Geometry III, Panorama der Mathematik, Mathematisches Panorama
Summer 2018: Discrete Geometry II
Winter 2017/2018: Discrete Geometry I

Georgia Tech (2014 - 2017)

Spring 2017: MATH 4150 - Introduction to Number Theory
Fall 2016: MATH 8803-SIN - Algebraic Curves (Topics Course)
Spring 2016: MATH 2552 - Differential Equations
Fall 2015: MATH 1552 - Integral Calculus
Spring 2015: MATH 4150 - Introduction to Number Theory
Fall 2014: MATH 2403 - Differential Equations

Universität Konstanz: (Teaching Assistant)

Winter 2011/12: Tutorial to the course Linear Algebra I at the Universität Konstanz taught by Prof. Dr. Salma Kuhlmann.
Summer 2011: Tutorial to the course Algebraic Function Fields at the Universität Konstanz taught by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Arno Fehm.
Winter 2010/11: Seminar Topics from Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry at the Universität Konstanz with Prof. Dr. Claus Scheiderer.
Summer 2010: Tutorial to the course Number Theory at the Universität Konstanz taught Prof. Dr. Claus Scheiderer.
Winter 2009/10: Tutorial to the course Algebra at the Universität Konstanz taught by Prof. Dr. Claus Scheiderer.
Summer 2008: Two tutorials to the course Complex Analysis at the Universität Konstanz taught by Prof. Dr. Reinhard Racke.
Winter 2007/08: Tutorial to the course Algebra at the Universität Konstanz taught by Prof. Dr. Walter Baur.
Summer 2007: Tutorial to the course Linear Algebra II at the Universität Konstanz taught by Prof. Dr. Walter Baur.
Winter 2006/08: Tutorial to the course Linear Algebra I at the Universität Konstanz taught by Prof. Dr. Walter Baur.