Dr. Sebastian Boldt
Lehre / Teaching
SS 2023: Seminar Nilpotente Lie-Gruppen (Schreiben Sie sich bei Interesse bitte in den zugehörigen Moodle-Kurs ein)
SS 2023: Übungen zur Linearen Algebra für Informatiker
WS 2022/23: Advanced Differential Geometry II - Spin Geometry (please subscribe to the moodle course)
SS 2022: Vorlesung + Übung Mathematik 2 für Physiker (Informationen über Moodle)
WS 2021/22: Tutorial Mathematik 1 für Physiker
WS 2021/22: Riemannsche Flächen
SS 2021: Tutorial Mathematik 4 for Physicists (see moodle course)
WS 2020/21: Advanced Differential Geometry 2 - Spin Geometry
SS 2020: Linear Algebra 2 (support via moodle)
WS 2019/20: Tutorial Differential Geometry I.
WS 2019/20: Lecture Hall Tutorial Lineare Algebra I
SS 2019: Tutorial and Lecture Hall Tutorial Analysis II (Die erste Hörsaalübung findet am 4. April statt)
WS 2018/19: Tutorial Lineare Algebra I
WS 2018/19: Tutorial Differentialgeometrie I
Forschung / Research
- Reasearch Interests: Differential Geometry, Global and Geometric Analysis
- Publications:
A Chern-Simons transgression formula for supersymmetric path integrals on spin manifolds. With Sergio Luigi Cacciatori and Batu Güneysu.
Feynman-Kac formula for perturbations of order ≤1 and noncommutative geometry. With Batu Güneysu.
To appear in Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations.
Published Version
Relatively compact sets of Heisenberg manifolds.
Differential Geometry and its Applications, Vol. 76 (2021).
Scattering Theory and Spectral Stability under a Ricci Flow for Dirac Operators. With Batu Güneysu.
To appear in Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse, Math. (6).
Contributions to the spectral geometry of locally homogeneous spaces. With Dorothee Schüth.
Book chapter in Space - Time - Matter. Analytic and Geometric Structures. Brüning, J. (Ed.), Staudacher, M. (Ed.), Fiedler, B., et al. (2018). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
The Height of compact nonsingular Heisenberg-like Nilmanifolds.
Dissertation (Berlin, October 2017)
Properties of the Dirac spectrum on three dimensional lens spaces.
Osaka J. Math. 54, No. 4, 747-765 (2017).
An explicit formula for the Dirac multiplicities on Lens spaces. With E. A. Lauret.
J. Geom. Anal. 27, No. 1, 689-725 (2017).