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Felix Klein Colloquium

Ort: Felix Klein Hörsaal

Prof. Dr. Marlene Kretschmer (Institut für Meteorologie, Uni Leipzig)

Climate Science and Mathematics: Insights and Opportunities

Climate science is a complex and multi-disciplinary field that requires expertise from various disciplines, including mathematics. In this talk, I will provide an overview of some of the typical questions and challenges that arise in climate science, such as predicting future climatic changes, understanding the drivers and impacts of extreme weather events, and extracting information from different climate model ensembles and observations. As a climate scientist with a background in math, I will highlight the role that mathematical modeling, analysis, and computation play in addressing these questions. Furthermore, I will discuss the opportunities for mathematicians to contribute to climate science research. There are many areas where mathematicians can help, such as developing new models, designing efficient algorithms, and analyzing complex data sets. I will provide some examples of ongoing collaborations between climate scientists and mathematicians, and I will also discuss some of the challenges and opportunities for future collaborations. Overall, my talk will provide an insight into the interdisciplinary nature of climate science and highlight the important role that mathematics plays in advancing our understanding of this critical field.

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Beginn: May 31, 2023, 4:30 p.m.

Ende: May 31, 2023, 5:30 p.m.