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Matilde Manzaroli (U Tübingen) - Betti numbers of real semi-stable degenerations via real logarithmic geometry

Ort: Room S015 (Seminargebäude)

In a joint work with Emiliano Ambrosi, we study the real topology
of totally real semistable degenerations, with certain technical
conditions on the special fiber X0, and we give a bound for the
individual real Betti numbers of a smooth fiber near 0 in terms of the
complex geometry of X0. The main ingredient is the use of real
logarithmic geometry, which allows to work with degenerations which are
not necessarily toric and hence to go beyond the case of tropically
smooth degenerations. This, in particular, generalises previous work of
Renaudineau-Shaw, obtained via tropical techniques, to a more general

Seminar webpage: https://www.math.uni-leipzig.de/~grabowski/acseminar/">https://www.math.uni-leipzig.de/~grabowski/acseminar/

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Beginn: Jan. 26, 2023, 1 p.m.

Ende: Jan. 26, 2023, 2 p.m.