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Geometry Seminar: Irina Bobrova (MPI MiS, Leipzig): Non-Abelian Painleve equations and related monodromy surfaces

Ort: MPI für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften Leipzig, Inselstr. 22, E2 10 (Leon-Lichtenstein)

Vortrag in der Reihe: Geometry Seminar Due to the isomonodromic property, the space of solutions of the Painleve equations can be parameterized by the monodromy data. Namely, each of the equations can be associated with an affine cubic that is usually called the monodromy surface. Various examples of non-abelian analogs of the Painleve equations have arisen in recent years. In this talk we will discuss how to derive a non-commutative analog of the monodromy surface for them. We will consider the second Painleve equation as an example.

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Beginn: 21. November 2023 11:00

Ende: 21. November 2023 11:20