This is a joint seminar organized by Daniel Lenz, Tobias Oertel-Jaeger (University of Jena), Tanja Eisner, Felix Pogorzelski, and Max von Renesse (University of Leipzig) and is devoted to dynamics and geometry in a broad sense.
15:30 Tea, coffee, cookies and discussions
16:30 Patrick Hermle (Wuppertal): "The isomorphism problem in topological dynamics"
The event is held in seminar room P-701, Neues Paulinum, Augustusplatz 10.
13:15 Lunch break
14:45 Héctor Jardón-Sánchez (Leipzig): "The cost of a group action" (abstract)
15:45 Coffee break bevor colloquium
16:30 Colloquium: Andreas Knauf (Erlangen): "Phase space compactification for n bodies"
The first talk will take place in Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3, seminar room 384, the second talk and the colloquium will take place at the Institute of Mathematics, EAP 2, room 3517.
15:00 Philipp Gohlke (Lund): "Orbit separation dimension (amorphic complexity) of primitive inflation tilings"
The event is held in seminar room P-701, Neues Paulinum, Augustusplatz 10.
14:30-15:30 Yonatan Gutman (Warsaw): " Maximal pronilfactors and a topological Wiener-Wintner theorem"
The event is held in seminar room 3517, Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2 and online via Zoom.
14:00 - 14:50 Marcel Schmidt (U Jena): "Uniqueness class, stochastic completeness and volume growth for graphs"
15:00 - 16:00 Break for discussions/coffee/a stroll in the city
16:00 - 16:50 Tobias Weihrauch (U Leipzig): "A characterization of effective resistance metrics"
17:00 - 17:50 Alessandro Carderi (TU Dresden): "Asymptotic invariants of lattices in locally compact groups"
18:00 dinner in "Andria"
The location of the talks is lecture room 13, Hörsaalgebäude, Augustusplatz 10.
12:30-13:30: lunch break
13:30-14:20: Mike Schnurr (Leipzig / MPI ): "Generic properties of extensions" (seminar room 224, Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3)
14:30-15:20 Till Hauser (Jena): "Monotonicity of maximal equicontinuous factors and an application to toral flows" (seminar room 224, Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3)
15:20-16:10 : long break (in "Rossis" or "Bagels and Beans")
16:10 - 17:00 : Tanja Eisner (Leipzig): "Weighted ergodic theorems"