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Mathematischen Institut
- Intranet -

Termin: Detail

Leonid Monin (MPI MiS, Leipzig): Toric bundles

Ort: TU Chemnitz (Weinhold Bau), Reichenhainer Straße, Lecture Hall 2/W038 (new: C25.038)

Toric bundles are certain fiber bundles with toric variety as fibers. Classical toric varieties admit a combinatorial description via fans. In my talk I will give a similar description of toric bundles and will show how one can use it to get some geometric and topological information about them. In particular, I will describe the intersection theory of toric bundles, and will present the combinatorial criterion for a toric bundle to be Fano. Please register with Christian Lehn. Corona restrictions at TU Chemnitz require a proof according to 3G-rule as well as wearing a FFP2 mask during the talk.

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Beginn: 30. Juni 2022 09:00

Ende: 30. Juni 2022 10:00