Welcome To My Blog


September 15, 2022

My old home page was, well, old. A blend of Perl and shell scripts with hand-crafted CSS and the HTML generated from slim templates. Perhaps I used a “static site generator” long before this term was even invented. Anyway, I looked around for something new and shiny - and in the end I found Quarto.

From the home page:

Quarto® is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.

After one week I can say: I like it. I like the tools and the workflow. I like the results.

You write in markdown. You can add code blocks. Sure, it’s markdown. But, if you want, quarto render will execute the block and add the output. See, some Julia code:

Ω = (-80538738812075974)^3 + 80435758145817515^3 + 12602123297335631^3

println("The answer is: ", Ω)
The answer is: 42

Quarto utilizes several great tools, among them

The documentation mentions R, Python and Julia as supported languages in code cells. But you can use other languages (Haskell, SageMath, Cadabra,..) as long as they are supported by Jupyter or knitr.